Buy BluVouchers from Clicks, BP, Spar, FreshStop, TicketPro, etc.

Click the below button & follow prompts.

Think About This…


Everything you own—your entire future—is locked into a political silo and regional economy. That’s a heck of a gamble. It’s sure not how the wealthy treat their future!
Of course, until now, to diversify into global assets, you needed to be wealthy before the red tape disintegrated. It kept the elites… elite.
We’re about to change that for you.

Bitcoin Vending Africa PTY, Ltd. (BVA) is a Digital Distribution company that provides several friction-free bridges between your national currency and digital assets. Our obsessive focus is on making this process dead simple.

Let’s walk you through our evolution as we accompany and include you in a mutual future:



It began with Bitcoin ATMs—you feed cash notes in like other ATMs, but in ours, the Dollars or Bitcoin (your choice) appear in your phone’s digital wallet. To grow that network, we developed a PARTNER PROGRAM where you can host an ATM.


We married BluVoucher! Blu are HUGE—they make your and our lives simple, and we make them brilliant! You buy a Blu voucher of any amount through thousands of retail till-points, input the 16-digit pin at our website or app, and, Voila!.., you own Bitcoin or Dollars. No banks, no hassles. Wherever you go and whatever you choose to do with those assets have nothing to do with anyone.


And there’s more…. So much more coming very-very soon. We’re itching to tell you, but we need a few more weeks to complete the transitions.

How our story
becomes your story

Bitcoin Vending Africa offers so much more than convenient Crypto bridges.

Whether you’re swapping cash for assets, want to partner to own an ATM, or are an investor, our goal is to nurture a long-term relationship. Your success spells our prosperity – it keeps you returning and referring friends.

So, how do we amplify your success? We provide you the best information available.

This young and vibrant sector is moving fast. There are rich undiscovered seams of gold here yet to be found and villains we’ll help you to avoid.

We work 7-days per week studying threats and opportunities and passing them along the moment they’re revealed. If you don’t already understand economics and how Crypto fits in, we’ll gladly bring you up to speed.

If you’re new to the sector, please check out our “learn” link. Next, join our community: Receive our newsletter, participate in our Discord group, and query our Whatsapp hotline whenever you wish.

Share this invitation far and wide.

(y)our Brand


BVA is about education, wise decisions, and caution, above all else.
Our first expression of this philosophy is to provide the safest possible environment for transactions.
With BluVoucher’s unimpeachable pedigree, we bring down the curtain on the fly-by-night scoundrels of the Crypto environment. With other partnerships soon-to-be-announced, we make it unnecessary to ever bother your bank and their dragging feet again.
For ATM deposits:

Our clients typically carry a significant bundle of cash to or away from our ATM. So, everything begins with convenient ATM placement that offers the shortest possible distance from transport-to-transaction and allows our clients to be inconspicuous members of the crowd right up to the instant they step in front of the ATM.

To provide maximum transaction privacy, when space allows, we house our ATMs in distinctively branded enclosure booths with latchable doors.

Tamper-monitoring sensors, CCTV oversight for client protection, 2-way communications to our help desk, and excellent one-way mirrored external viewing to the outside environment during transactions put our clients in total control of their funds and personal safety.

Your Wallet

Your investment journey begins with a wallet.

Not a leather wallet but an app you download like any other app.

We use Muun Wallet. We receive no benefit for this mention other than our belief that it will serve you well and keep you returning to us.

Invest a little time learning about wallets and Muun here.

Whereas bank ATMs use cards, our ATMs use a built-in camera and your wallet’s QR code to identify your account.

Watch this video to see how it works.

Once you buy any Crypto, you can exchange it for any other Crypto that you prefer This means we specialize in the most essential two tokens–digital US Dollar (stablecoin) for safety and Bitcoin for growth.

Decentralized Finance is one path to exchanging tokens–but it is complex and not for beginners.

Centralized Exchanges are much easier to use but do present risks.

We recommend Bybit for experienced traders and do receive a referral fee for this recommendation.

Law & Compliance

Like the early internet, where the vices of gambling and porn made the first commercial inroads, Crypto’s early development is marked and marred by drugs and extortion crime.

Early adoptees of Bitcoin tended to be nonconformist and anti-establishment. It’s a legacy and negative PR angle most media affiliated as they are with powerful financial interests love to remind us. But as the true value (not just the price) of Crypto and Bitcoin has revealed itself eg. as a far more efficient remittance tool and successor to the ironically named, slow and cumbersome, SWIFT banking system institutions are agitating to enter this space.

Let’s address the elephant in the room perceptions of crime or fears of legal violation:


As a benchmark, around 2,4% of bank dollar transactions in the traditional world are associated with crime. Circa 2015, over 10% of Crypto transactions had criminal overtones. By 2021, that number is SLASHED to 0,16% and plummeting.

Law & Compliance

Like the early internet, where the vices of gambling and porn made the first commercial inroads, Crypto’s early development is marked and marred by drugs and extortion crime.

Early adoptees of Bitcoin tended to be nonconformist and anti-establishment. It’s a legacy and negative PR angle most media affiliated as they are with powerful financial interests love to remind us. But as the true value (not just the price) of Crypto and Bitcoin has revealed itself eg. as a far more efficient remittance tool and successor to the ironically named, slow and cumbersome, SWIFT banking system institutions are agitating to enter this space.

Let’s address the elephant in the room perceptions of crime or fears of legal violation:


As a benchmark, around 2,4% of bank dollar transactions in the traditional world are associated with crime. Circa 2015, over 10% of Crypto transactions had criminal overtones. By 2021, that number is SLASHED to 0,16% and plummeting.

Our Focus on Compliance

The most significant risk in Crypto is now neutralized:

Fear that the authorities might someday try to outlaw our sector has kept vast institutional treasuries away from entering the space and slowed adoption.

New legislation labelling Crypto a bona fide and authorized asset eliminates those issues and objections.

With blockchain being public domain, the fact that every mobile SIM and trading platform required FICA/KYC made transactions easily traceable yet left Crypto owners playing guessing games with the law.

Legislation now provides Crypto the same rights and obligations as banks and the mobile industry.

It is extremely easy to FICA via ATM and website/app prompts. Then, where privacy is essential, any “Tumbler” service restores anonymity to token ownership.

As an industry, we’re very excited to follow the US down this path. Similar legislation provided clarity, which led to a massive boost to the sector.

Lets Do 

If you have a venue or an appetite for a lucrative investment, let’s talk.


If you have the ideal venue, become a HOST or landlord to one of our ATMs. We don’t just pay you floor rent; our clients become your clients. ie. We help you grow a bigger target audience.


Partner with us in this lucrative new sector. We provide a turnkey infrastructure, fully supported with legal, technical and marketing expertise and efforts.